Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby fishes growing up process (3.5 weeks)

Six of them are turning blue and another six stay the same, seems like the six babies that are not turning blue is the male one.

Put a white paper as a background looks better, right?

Close up 1

Close up 2

Close up 3

This is my favorite one, the stripes is not like the others, its more like tiger stripes then zebra stripes

Look carefully and you will see most of the fishes have stripes like zebra, unlike the previous one.

Close up

Close up

Close up

Close up

Close up

They know when I want to feed them. This is one of the reasons why I like to raise fishes, I love to see fishes feeding especially when they eat  aggressively (but I don't like to see any carnivore fishes eating on the other fish) 

They are growing up quite fast, aren't they? Just 3.5 weeks, now they are almost 2.5 cm. 

Adult Fishes
The parent fishes, the yellow one is the father and the blue one is the mother

The mother fish (I like her color!)

(Front) Not yellow, not blue, don't know how to describe this one, but this one used to be blue!

Another not blue not yellow fish!

This one used to be blue as well, but then turn yellow

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