Thursday, October 27, 2011

My New Pet

Recently me and my dear Maggi just released all of our adult Cichlid fishes to a big pond in our school, since they are getting larger and larger and too crowded to fit in our fish tank. So we released them and they seem to be happy to swim in a large pond. When we released them, they swam so fast back and forward and swam around the pond like kids in an amusement park!

Couple days later, we went to our custom 北高雄 aquarium store on 明誠路 and tried to find some new fishes to fill our empty fish tank. We were attracted by a kind of fish that has colorful and unique body shape, as well myriad pattern on each of the kind. That special fish is called Discus, in Chinese it's called 七彩神仙! Discus has flat and round body shape and attractive color like metallic blue, red, orange, white, etc.

So..., we did some research online of where the places that we can go to see and buy Discus. We went to at least 14 stores before we finally decide to buy discus. I will post and give comments about the Aquarium stores that we have visited in the next article. Here are some of the pictures of my new fishes...

The tail shrinks, seems like it has not adapt to the new environment yet

They are so shy and afraid to face people, also may be haven't adapted yet

They only show their ass to me whole night long!

What a rare moment that they swim sideward to me

Standing on the corners 

Electric Blue

Electric Blue

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ubuntu Remote Desktop

# Let's say you have installed xrdp (in Terminal: sudo apt-get install xrdp) and you have used RDP remote desktop quite a while to connect Windows to Ubuntu or one Ubuntu to another Ubuntu, then you might bump to a problem when you want to install or do some system settings. For example when you want to use synaptic package manager to install something. You will get an error or warning like:
"Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root
Unable to copy the users Xauthorization file."
To solve this problem, firstly connect to your Ubuntu using the Remote Desktop Connection (in Windows: Start -> Run -> mstsc (Enter) in order to access the Remote Desktop Application; in Ubuntu: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client). After you have logged into your Ubuntu, then bring up your Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following instructions:
cd ~
touch ~/.Xauthority
chmod 600 ~/.Xauthority

# When you use one Ubuntu to "remote desktop" to another Ubuntu, there's something that might bother you. In Ubuntu's remote desktop application, there's no auto hide button or menu like Windows Remote Desktop Application that can let you minimize or close the connection. In other words, after you log in to your Ubuntu using full-display, you can only see the remote desktop. But the problem is that you might want to change the full screen mode to a window mode so that you can switch to other window without disconnecting the remote connection.

Here's how to do it, after you have log in to your Ubuntu using the remote desktop application, press Ctrl+Alt+Enter and congratulation you have change the full screen mode to window mode.

Something Useful for Ubuntu New-bee

Below are some of basic settings and information that I think useful for anyone who just started to use Ubuntu.

# First thing to do after you install your Ubuntu:
(1) Set your Internet Connection: On system panel click "System=>Preferences=>Network Connections", add your internet connection either or both in the "Wired" and "Wireless" tab
(2) Update your Ubuntu: On system panel click "System=>Administration=>Update Manager", next click "Check" and then "Install Updates"
(3) Install software that you might need: On system panel click "System=>Administration=>Synaptic Package Manager", type in your root password and Enter, next search the software that you want, for example: "Chromium" (Google Chrome on Ubuntu), on the search result make a tick or check, then click apply button on the top menu, then it will tell you the dependencies that will also be installed together to make it works.

# To remote desktop from Ubuntu to Windows:
(1) On your system panel click "Applications => Internet => Terminal Server Client"
(2) On "Computer" put your IP address or domain name
(3) On protocol Choose "RDP"
(4) Put your username and password, and the rest of the input fields is optional, you can just leave it blank
(5) On second Tab ("Display"), choose "Operate in full screen mode"
(6) Click Connect

# To remote desktop from Windows to Ubuntu:
(1) Open up your "Terminal" by pressing "Ctrl+Alt+T"
(2) Type: "sudo apt-get install xrdp" and Enter your root password
(3) If your windows is Windows XP, then from "Start->Run" type "mstsc" and Enter, next put on your Ubuntu's ip address, if your windows is Windows 7, then click "Start" and type directly "mstsc" and Enter, put on your Ubuntu's ip address

# To change your Ubuntu 10.04 window button that located on left side back to the right side like Windows:
(1) On your desktop Press Alt+F2 to call a "Run Application" pop-up
(2) Type gconf-editor and Enter
(3) go to apps/metacity/general/  then see the right side panel and find the "button_layout"
(4) right click on it and click "Edit Key..." Change the value to "menu:minimize,maximize,close" and click "OK"
(5) Done!

# To enable typing Chinese Character with Pinyin input method:
(1) From your panel menu "System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Input Method (or iBus Preferences)"
(2) Find "Font and Style" and on the "Show language panel:" set the value to "Always"
(3) Enable following options: "Show icon on system tray", "Show input method name on language bar", "Embed preedit text in application window".
(4) Next, Go to the second tab "Input Method" and select an input method "Chinese -> Pinyin" and Click "Add" then Close
(5) Open a browser or a notepad or anything that you can use your keyboard to type, on your system panel find an icon like keyboard, click on it and choose "Chinese - Pinyin", then you will see the language panel and there you can adjust your preferences.

For more detail description with pictures:

# Some useful Shortcut Keys:
(1) Ctrl+Alt+T : open up "Terminal"
(2) Ctrl+Alt+L: lock your screen
(3) Ctrl+Alt+D: show desktop
(4) Alt+Tab: change windows
(5) Alt+F4: close a window

For more complete list of shortcut key: